Monday, March 12, 2007

Those *&^%!!!! moments in life

Dont you just hate it when:

-The only reason why all those people in the street where smiling at you, was because your fly was open, and not because you're the dashing devil that you think you are

-That t-shirt bra that swore to give you smooth lines-lied!, and you wonder why people keep asking you if you're cold

-When that skirt that you thought was a 'lovely lemon green' in the shop, turns out to be a shade of mucous , when you come outdoors

-When those shoes 'that are to die' for, and which made your dad go slightly purple in the face at the price, turn out to be, in reality, instruments of toe amputation, but you have to wear them all the same, cause you can't POSSIBLY have your dad prove you wrong

-When you're feeling sexy and SOO cool, and you make a visit to the ladie's room, only to realize that you have a boogey, the size of a meteor in your left nostril

-When the fact that you're directionally impaired ( it's a disease I tell you! ), becomes mortifyingly evident, when you have to ask your 5 year old nephew for the way back home from the mall

-When the day that that gorgeous hunk-a-burning love, who you've been worshipping for ever, finally decides to speak to you, is the ONE FREAKIN DAY, that you forgot your deodarant! ARRGHH!!!

there's plenty more where these came from...

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